Entries by Isaiah Oconnor


How individual retirement accounts fare under the BAPCPA law

If you are facing bankruptcy, you may worry about the disposition of retirement accounts, such as your 401(k) or your profit sharing plan. Congress revised the Bankruptcy Code in 2005, and the changes shed light on your concerns. About the BAPCPA The revision is the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, better known […]


Toys “R” Us news shows how two forms of bankruptcy are used

When a company faces financial difficulties and goes into bankruptcy, Chapter 11 is the type most businesses use. Sometimes, however, the hoped-for advantages might not work. Toys “R” Us recently ran into this problem and is now in the process of converting its Chapter 11 protection for Chapter 7. Why Chapter 11 Toys “R” Us […]


Why your credit situation matters in an apartment search

When you are a renter, the search for just the right place to live can have its challenges. When you find an apartment or rental house that seems like the perfect fit for you, you don’t want any complications getting in the way of you getting approved for a lease. Among the things that could […]

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Celebrity bankruptcies can be a source of inspiration

Most of us look up to certain celebrities and put them on pedestals. Then, to prove that the stars we admire are only human, something quite ordinary happens in their lives, such as running out of money. Here is a brief look at how four celebrities coped after making the decision to file for bankruptcy. […]

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The basics of wage garnishment

If you are accruing debt, your first instinct may be to ignore it. It can be difficult to admit you have a problem; however, ignoring outstanding debts can lead to a frozen bank account or wage garnishment. According to NPR, millions of Americans are getting their wages seized because of medical bills and credit card debt. When […]